wortundtat – Tailor-made learning
Our mission is focussing on what is important for people in their current situation.
Education is essential to gain independence as human beings, so as not to be dependent on others for a lifetime, to be able to assess and exploit the opportunities that the world offers. Against this background, educational opportunities are of immense importance in the context of the wortundtat projects. Why and what type of learning opportunities are needed will vary from country to country.
Greece – Education for children, adolescents and adults with little prior learning
Greece is still a transit point for refugees on their way to Central Europe. Not all refugee children can attend Greek schools. Depending on the country of origin, even their mothers may not be able to read or write. An analogous situation can be found with residents of a Gypsy Roma camp. Willingness to integrate with their Greek fellow citizens has been limited in the past. This has resulted in a lack of education and low prospects on the labour market.
For refugee women and their children, our Greek partner has developed a basic learning programme. Women without schooling can start learning to read and write. Children will gain at least some learning experience. We have also achieved initial success by organising sewing courses for refugee women. So that younger members of the Gypsy Roma camp can enter the Greek educational system, we have established basic rules for living together. At the purpose-built community centre, they have access to preschool courses or afterschool lessons.
News about our programmes in Greece
Help for Ukraine refugees: What happens with your donations
We had asked for support for the work of our partners in the Republic of Moldova, Greece and Germany. Read here how we were able to help until the beginning of April 2022.
Medical care for poor Greeks and refugees
Medical aid is difficult to obtain for refugees and impoverished Greeks. With our offers, we reach those who otherwise hardly get any help.
Tanzania – Secondary school education and training opportunities in a remote region
Many residents in the Tunduru District in the south of Tanzania only know about secondary schools and job prospects from hearsay. Their villages can only be reached via dirt roads and using off-road vehicles. The number of people who are illiterate is correspondingly high. Most people live on their small farming plot, where they grow crops for their own needs using simple resources.
Our partner KIUMA runs a secondary school in the district. It is the only educational facility in the region offering secondary school education to pupils. A nursing school and a business for various craft training courses ensure that young people will no longer need to leave their home country if they want to learn a profession. With the acquired knowledge, school leavers will contribute to the progressive development of an entire region.
News about our programmes in Tanzania
Clinical officers sit exams
The first students have successfully completed their three-year training.
Water for Tanzania
In the future, three new wells will supply the facility that wortundtat supports in Tanzania. The wells used so far were no longer reliable enough. A new well is needed for a new project.
Germany – Young people learning about positive integrationr
Dortmund’s Borsigplatzviertel is home to people from many different nations with little connection to German society. To help them with integration, to convey rules of cooperation and to reduce learning deficits where needed, the wortundtat partner has developed an extensive range of projects for children, adolescents and adults.
News about our programmes in Germany
Help for Ukraine refugees: What happens with your donations
We had asked for support for the work of our partners in the Republic of Moldova, Greece and Germany. Read here how we were able to help until the beginning of April 2022.
Support for refugees from Ukraine
With our partners in the Republic of Moldova, Greece and Germany, we strive to help where help is needed. You can also help
An example of how you can help
16 Euros
per week or
576 Euros
over three years mean doctors can be trained in southern Tanzania.