DEICHMANN Foundation– Supports diaconal, social and humanitarian aid projects
Ever since the founding of DEICHMANN SE, a commitment to social welfare has been part of the company’s identity. The Deichmann family and the company have therefore been supporting many welfare and social projects for decades through the DEICHMANN Foundation and have been involved in many areas of humanitarian aid. This commitment to society is founded on the Christian values to which the family feels bound. Projects supported by the Foundation are selected irrespective of the religious attitude of those promoting the projects.
Working with experienced partners
In all its projects, the DEICHMANN Foundation works with experienced partners whose work we scrutinise carefully. In this way, help reaches those who need it most. If you would like to help one of these projects, please donate giving the intended purpose. 100% of your donation will reach our project partner, because the DEICHMANN Foundation covers the costs of administration and publicity work. If more donations than are needed for a project are received, the surplus money is used for tasks with a similar aim and purpose. At the end of the year, you will automatically receive a donation certificate if you provide your name and address on the payment slip.
Further information about this commitment will follow shortly.
DEICHMANN Foundation
Deichmannweg 9
45359 Essen
Telefon: +49 – 201 – 8676 – 661
E-Mail stiftung[at]deichmann.com
Press contact
Christian Hinkel
Phone: +49 – 201 – 8676 – 960
E-Mail: christian_hinkel[at]deichmann.com
An example: The DEICHMANN Foundation helps understand the causes and eliminates hunger
How hunger develops and can be eliminated permanently is the focus of a project for which the DEICHMANN Foundation provides extensive financial support. In Kenya, Africa, the inhabitants of a village are looking to find ways out of hunger with local small businesspeople. Now, the village is increasingly suffering from water scarcity – with dramatic consequences: “We only eat once a day. In the morning, we have tea. Nothing at midday”, a farmer says. Since food is also very imbalanced, he becomes less and less efficient – physically and mentally. The vicious circle of hunger, malnutrition and poorer harvests or – in the case of children – poorer performance at school is gaining pace. “The project aims to break this cycle. We are supporting it because it takes a holistic approach. People help themselves. That’s great”, says Jakob Adolf from the DEICHMANN Foundation. The work in Kenya is coordinated by the magazine “Stern”, together with the German aid organisation Welthungerhilfe.